罗比 威廉斯-摇摇领先
- 歌手名:
- 语种:
- 介质:AT/CD
- 碟数:1张
- 发行日期:2001
2001年英国圣诞冠军金曲提早曝光:罗比与《红磨坊》女主角妮可基得曼亲密对唱之《太傻》,哑巴歌手女主角珍霍洛丝(Jane horrocks)在“Things”中与罗比精采呈现歌曲的诙谐机智性格……弹指打拍弹到酸,尽情摇摆摇到痛,摇摇领先Swing when you’re winning 就是这么棒,套句罗比威廉斯说过的话:非常的法兰克辛纳特拉,真的!
01 I will talk & Hollywood will listen
02 Something stupid
03 Do nothing til you hear from me
04 It was a very good year
05 Straighten up and fly right
06 Well,did you evah
07 Mr.bojangles
08 One for my baby (And one more for the road)
09 Things
10 Ain"t that a kick in the head
11 They can"t take that away from me
12 Have you me miss jones
13 Me and my shadow
14 Beyond the sea